I am quite surprised by the change of pace brought by a day at work. It feels very new to me that while i work on completing those jobs, i am not required to focus a part of my brain on the toilet schedule of my toddler or the damp laundry needing to be put…

Hamza 6th Birthday Party !!!

Over the weekend, we celebrated Hamza’s 6th birthday with a fun-filled low-key birthday party at home with friends and family. I kept it super-casual and based it just around kids. We cleared our dining room to make room for the kids show, hung up some decorations, put out some candy and popcorn, ordered some pizza…

Life in a family home

We are down to the final three Rozas of Ramadan you guys. How did that happen? Always a bittersweet feeling when the month of blessing comes to an end. Although a bit challenging in the start for me, I gradually come to love my Ramadan routine and I am already getting nostalgic that its ending….

Where is my village? *Mama rants*

Grab your tea or coffee and get ready for a full-on Mama rant! Some days its so hard to find joy in this everyday mundane life. Some days running away from it all seems so tempting! You know those days when I still sometimes have to clean poop from the toilet floor due to a…

Autumn Stories

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” — Lauren DeStefano I was just browsing my blog and found not one, not two, but THREE posts last year dedicated to autumn. Boy, I must really…

Our travels to Tasmania (Part II)

Today, I am just sharing lots of travel photos from Tasmania here on the blog that I was supposed to, since I earlier did this post. I won’t write much here since I have already written in quite detail in this post, if you have any questions, drop them in the comments. Apologies for this…

Shaking hands with reality.

I mostly try to come to this space for positivity, sharing happy thoughts, constructive lifestyle stuff. But there is always another side to the things too. I dont believe in hiding the negative parts but i understand that joy sparks more joy, happiness begets happiness, and there have been countless times when i have been…

Random Talks

Hi guys! I think taking long hiatus from this blog is becoming my style. Its not for the lack of words or ideas or things to share though. But only for the lack of time and my general laziness/busyness. I have always loved coming to this space with a chaye on hand, hanging in my…

This Season of Motherhood.

This season of life. This season of motherhood. This season of being forever-on-the-go. This season of getting sloppy toddler kisses all over the face, all day long. This season of on-the-loop school pickups, dropoffs, packing lunches and washing uniforms. This season of getting rainbow 🌈 love hearts 💕 from a 5 year old everyday. This…

Our travels to Tasmania (Part I)

April has gone by so fast and yet our family has managed to pack away so many sweet memories in these past short weeks. We took a trip to the Tasmanian Islands during the second half of the Easter break. I turned 31 and Azaan turned 3 while we were away. Two family birthday celebrations…

Azaan turns THREE !

Mothering hamza was so new and unpredictable and different. I was unsure, i didnt know right from wrong. I was treading ever-so-slightly the untravelled path, afraid of making a mistake, of doing wrong by him. I didnt know what to expect, when to expect. I was a new mother with all the classic new-mother traits….

Life these days.

Right now, its 630PM (when I first wrote the unfinished version of this). And both the kids are huddled together on the couch engrossed in a game together, cheering each other on and taking turns and having the sweetest moment. I m gonna cherish it much as just an hour ago, i had to play…